Announcements 3/13/2022
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- By Amanda Wermers
- Posted in Blind Bid Battle, Game Chest, Game Chest Announcement, Game Chest Community
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Two big announcements and a survey so you can take ownership in our next moves!
This is the TL;DW of the Facebook LIVE and (to be) attached video announcement. I am going to make a point to keep the fluff to a minimum and well labeled to make it quicker to read so you get all the information you need!
Without further ado:
We have a couple major announcements that we need you to be aware of. Not just because you are active in the community that keeps this business thriving, but because we genuinely want your input and ownership in this. Please participate at whatever level you see fit.
Announcement 1 - Blind Bid Battle is Back!
WOO! You asked, and we answered slowly. HAHA
Blind Bid Battle will be returning in April of 2022!
(The fluff)
If you are unaware of what the heck I am talking about - the Blind Bid Battle was our GROUNDBREAKING used game sale we hosted in June of 2021. It was incredibly successful for all the community members who participated in selling and buying, and we all had a great time doing it.
Sellers brought in their items in advance, chose their own minimum prices, then buyers came in and bid secretly on all the things they wanted! We processed all the bids and the top bidder got to buy the items they won. Then we paid out all the sellers at 80% of their sale price (not their minimum but what it sold at) in store credit.
In 2021 over $3500 was added to GCC members store credit, which they were able to use to buy new games and books they WILL play/use! We collected responses from our follow up survey and will be making some changes based on that - but it should generally feel the same as it did last year.
If you want to sell games, books or puzzles - Start getting them ready and be ready for the call to action that will be coming in the next two weeks.
If you want to buy games - Keep a look out for the official event announcement and we will post about it frequently leading up to that time! (Mid April most likely)
If you want to help - If you expressed interest in helping last year, I will likely reach out - but I don’t always catch everyone. Please let me know if you were wanting to help out with the event, organizing, labeling etc.
Announcement 2 - We’re Moving - AGAIN!
(The Fluff)
The best laid plans can’t always be resolved the way we anticipate. When we moved to our current location in October of 2019 no one knew what the future would hold (truly) but we did know that we wanted to stay in this location as long as we could, maybe expand and even buy the building one day. Our lease was for 5 years and we intended to hold every year of that and more. Unfortunately, tenants are not in charge of the growth of a building and, as many of you know, the public lot behind us sold last year to Lloyd and another builder to create another five story mixed use building downtown. In order to do so they need the entirety of our lot as well. Therefore (likely by the end of the year) this building will be demolished. (We plan to have a demolition party across the street and watch!)
As a result we will have to move again and we honestly have NO IDEA where we might go. We started in Downtown because we love the energy of this area, but we didn’t know you all at the time and to us the most important part of Game Chest is the Community.
Therefore, we would love for you to participate in our very brief survey to let us know what you think. (link below) We want to remind you that this doesn’t guarantee anything, but you’re the ones who pay the bills and we want to be able to do our best to fulfill the desires of this community that has lifted us up through the hardest times we could never have imagined.
The Details:
When: Before the end of July.
Where: That’s kinda up to you
How: Lot’s of humanpower and potentially another crowdfunding.
Why: It happens - Landlords sold the building for development.
PLEASE take the time to participate in our survey so we can get the best possible outlook on the overall needs of the community. The questions are about where in town you’d like to see us, what aspects of our space you like & use, what types of events you’d like to see us host in the future, and what product lines you’d like to see us expand into.
That’s all for now - Please be sure to follow us or sign up for the newsletter. These will be the ways that we communicate with you in the coming months about these topics and more! <3
Thank you for being the best part of Game Chest!
We love you!
Manda (and Ben)
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